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World message
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By Gurubesar: Lancar Ida-Bagus
Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys:
This is my message to anyone who lives in this world and comes straight from my heart, without regard to race, rank, position,
origin, political or religious beliefs, without fear or favor.
And for those who abhorred the truth is that in a lot of cases, hard to hear. And who does not want to know the truth must therefore not read this treatise. And if the shoe fits, wear it.
There is a widespread belief in God. How come?
It has been established in world history that centuries of people in towns and villages have been ruthlessly chased by religious fanatics who have forcibly forced innocent people around the world to switch to their religion.
Your ancestors of all sorts of all kinds were massacred as beasts by former main religious organs, comparable to the working methods of contemporary sects, including IS, Boko Haram, Taliban, Army of the Lord, etc. who now terrorize fellow men in the name of their God.
They have therefore followed the former inhuman behavior of world religions as an example.
This cruel suppression system was later in history by concerned residents intercepted, copied, laid down in laws and regulations, twisted at will, mixed with politics, and finally learned to the people as the ultimate and correct form of faith in God.
The world religions are 100% jointly and severally liable for all human suffering and unpleasant consequences on this earth because their former horrible way of converting world peoples to their faith is nowadays applied by all sectarian groups to sow death and destruction all over the world to achieve their goals; have to do follow suit.
In other words, the three Principal Churches that used to be the Trinity (Torah, Islam, Christianity) who have stood alive since Biblical times and who diligently deny each other everything, are the actual perpetrators and instigators of worldwide violence and normlessness, so that their right to exist must be immediately prohibited by law worldwide.
These world religions have been the impetus for the formation of the violent sects that have committed horrific crimes against humanity in the recent past, even today.
And until now the sectarian groups are generating all their wrongdoing by order of a self-willed copy based on the self-conceived and written God scriptures of the existing religious superpowers, and thus using the Bible / Quran, Torah, and other religious scriptures as an example to justify their extensive human rights violations on behalf of God / Allah.
And discrimination is an invention of the church because in earlier bibles bad people were depicted black with frizzy hair and / or straight hair and the good people were depicted white with yellow hair.
Later, other less colored nations were added to the already discriminated nations and races, and this intensely mean form of discrimination was followed by the religion-loving population worldwide.
Especially religious leaders and heads of state did not hesitate to make a mess of it so that discrimination today is incarnated in today’s society and in everyday life.
All reasons for the worldwide arrest of all church heads, religious heads of state, cult leaders, the Pope and Bishops, Rabbis, Imams, and other Muslim leaders and to submit to a judicial and criminal investigation.
This should be done to prove to the world people that crime does not pay.
And at the same time, all religious books must be destroyed and a new “book” written in which all nations and races of the world are widely represented and united as a unity. And the constitution must also be amended worldwide immediately.
Thus the teaching of Vishnuh says:
“The main problem is not that religious people and racists are uneducated people, but that they are trained just enough to discriminate on their own behalf and to believe religious fairy tales and fables and are not trained enough to see through the malice of the belief in God and to ask what exactly discrimination means.”
It is clearly noticeable that discrimination has adversely affected the world’s population in relation to each other.
… Take China, for example, and the countries where predominantly few religious people live, but they discriminate where you stand.
… For example, it has been burned to the Chinese from an early age not to interfere with someone of a different race, and especially not with someone of the Negroid race, to prevent dilution of their species.
… The Chinese, some Asian peoples, and others practice discrimination through the so-called dilution concept and oblige their offspring to view it as a cultural duty that causes the young generation to experience discrimination from other people as normal.
… These early descendants usually have no clue as to what discrimination actually entails that is part of their lives. Then this Asian youth, like their old people, transmits the religious virus to their descendants, according to tradition.
… They consciously or unknowingly make themselves convinced that they are a chosen people, but do not realize that their way of thinking tends towards religiosity because most religions such as Judaism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc. also apply the same concept of “the chosen people.”
… The difference here is that the Chinese and others have chosen themselves on the basis of a primordial ancestral idea and the Israelites and others on the basis of a divine decision made up by their scribes.
… This evil can continue for centuries until the non-religious mob embracing discrimination is aware of the problem and is fully committed to putting an end to it.
… But not only China just look at South and North Korea and also look at the rest of the white and black world where non-religious people also live, but who are stuck with the discrimination virus.
And the individuals who nevertheless allow themselves to be mixed with a race other than their own are tacitly excluded by their immediate environment. This occurs regularly among believers as well as among non-believers.
… These so-called cultural apostates are considered by their peers and treated as the scum of their world.
And to prevent loss of sight, the community to which the non-religious apostates belong will never express its displeasure in public, for it too, like religious mankind, has appropriated hypocrisy and subduedness.
… But in the end, religious mankind takes the crown.
In spite of this, it is not a license for no-one to go and poop extensively on religious people, because when it comes to discrimination, injustice, hypocrisy, inhumanity, and human rights violations, a large part of the non-religious world is involved in the religious virus is also very familiar with the aforementioned concepts.
Fait accompli is that world religions must be charged to a very serious extent with all crimes committed by the sects in question, and all this clearly proves that God and Allah, Lucifer and Satan are one and the same.
Apart from the fact that the Vishnuh-Society has no respect whatsoever for any religion, it cannot respect the former philosophers and scientists such as Einstein and others whose ancestors for self-enrichment have for centuries committed murder and oppression of other peoples in foreign countries.
… This, while in the meantime their offspring could study sweetly and gain fame as a scholar in relation to the subjugated and abused mass of people whose chances of development were being rigorously suppressed for hundreds of years and with clear violence.
The gap between white countries and black or disadvantaged countries worldwide is immeasurably high in all respects.
On all fronts, the white countries predominate in education, science, social development, innovations, etc., while the black countries have just enough not to perish, of which one half of its underdeveloped population is dying close to hungry, and the other half has just enough to not die yet.
Only an insignificant part of the oppressed people all over the world have received a little education, most of which lick the heels of white society and, following the colonialists, enrich themselves by exploiting their own people.
These are the bounties or the neo-colonialists with black skin.
These kinds of heartless black-collar criminals eagerly take advantage of the misery of the subjugated population wherever possible, and they are more unscrupulous than the Pope and crueler than the Prophet Muhammad.
So for centuries, the oppressed peoples have never had the opportunity to develop at the same pace as their oppressors, so that most of the oppressed peoples, with a religious belief in their throats, have remained stupid.
In addition, the subordinate peoples have repeatedly transferred the doctrine of religion from its cruel rulers to their descendants, so it has also been sadomasochistic to date, and regard this ancestral religious trauma as their cultural heritage.
… In this way, these descendants, consciously or unconsciously, continue the religious curse traditionally in a contemporary Jewish-Christian humanistic / Islamic jacket.
So they worship God / Allah / YHWH and the religious doctrine of the murderers of their ancestors which includes the curse of religion in their ranks.
Just look at Suriname, the Netherlands Antilles, Brazil, Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia, Africa, the Philippines, etc.
Also, take a look behind the iron curtain and also pay attention to the disadvantaged Arab and otherwise speaking countries including Morocco, Turkey, Indonesia, Tunisia, Brunei, etc., where Saudi Arabia under the banner of Islam has been terribly raging under the poor population whose majority of the oppressed people, under pressure from the elite class, are not allowed to receive sufficient education to think independently, so that they remain dependent on their rulers.
And the local followers in those countries or the stakeholders of all sorts, like many other prominent families and individuals in the white countries, unscrupulously shrouded with the people’s enemy and through the suppression mechanism of the invaders consolidated their personal position to ensure their future offspring of a carefree existence.
… To this end, see the kingdoms, Europe, the rich of the earth, and all those who have become rich through unfairly acquired wealth through the ages.
Not realizing that one is blindly confronted with his downfall, religious mankind is carrying a curse of religion today, the majority of whom have acquired it over the course of history that they have been taught from generation to generation by their sadomasochistic ancestors so that the curse of religion today is incarnated in society to their destruction and misery.
Note of the Gurubesar:
… I had a dream that a just God, if it existed, therefore, would like to have nothing to do with the religious mankind, for he/ she/ it would think: rot on believers; there rests no blessing on your madness; Let the believers themselves checked by a psychiatrist, unless this is not as crazy as them, and solve your problems yourself.
… You have shifted over the centuries arbitrarily enough ugliness in my shoes! “…
… Not God created man in his image, but Nature has created man and man created God in his image!
Also, Heaven, Valhalla, Hel, Reincarnation, Devils, and Angels were created in the imagination of the religious man.
Mind and body are one, and both are of material nature; the spirit atoms control the atoms of the body.
The individual spirit lives in the supermind, this is the air because the difference between life and death is the breath.
Every living creature eventually goes the way of all flesh. This means that the individual mind is also lost when the body dies, for the mind is inseparable from the body.
Man’s lives after death only continue in the memories of the survivors, so obituary.
There is no God, nor heavenly paradise or Valhalla or Nirvana or hell or something like that, where the man enters or may live on after his death.
Only Nature lives forever because it is the source of all that was, of all that is, and all that will come.
“Nature” does not belong to man, and man also does not belong to himself, but man belongs to Nature.
We are all products of living nature that the universe, including nature, falls under, is greater than all gods.
… The tangible reality is that the Gods and Devils are seated on earth in the brain of gullible, hateful, and evil humanity.
And Heaven, Nirvana, Valhalla, and Hell encompass the common living environment of what the interested leaders and others have developed or created for good and evil based on lust for power and arrogance.
World history has shown that people with money and power systematically, can let their subordinates believe weird things where the educated fools, the headstrong illiterate, unskilled and innocent children are the beloved victims of religion-related organizations.
… Usually, believer misfires in this genre are well-educated people who nevertheless insist that when it rains, “the angels are on the piss.”
… They have knowledge but it lacks the necessary understanding.
Just look at the world and the people around you and see how this religious virus is continued unscrupulously by so-called well-educated religious people who try to keep their offspring as stupid as possible with the religious nonsense they regularly proclaim according to a preconceived pattern.
These figures camouflage their foolishness as such so that their stupidity is perceived as normal by their descendants. These are the ones who set a bad example for their offspring.
This is partly because religious humanity, in general, is so bad that it experiences its badness as completely normal. That is why this religious malice must be eradicated or banned without delay worldwide.
Unfortunately, a legion of peoples in ancient times has been intimidated by malicious religious foreigners, causing spiritual confusion in those affected countries where evil reigns and where this epidemic disease, called the Faith of God, is violently prevalent and embedded in all the policy of their society as an inherent and relentless pathogen.
Religions and struggles are human work, primarily created and sustained by the madness of selfish people.
They want to have everything themselves and keep it at the expense of other people’s lives, Me, me, me but the rest can just choke. And manipulation according to one’s own ideas or according to beliefs is all among the established values and norms of the belief in God in general.
Thus, the believer humanity drags contemporary with a religious curse around most of which it has acquired in the course of history and then from generation transferred to generation in their progenies, so this curse until now incarnated in society to destruction and misery of everyone.
Compare the rich West to the Third World countries where the descendants of the oppressed ancestors still bear the aftermath of all deprivations every day, just as the ancestors suppressed by the West were previously positioned by the former pious world domination on behalf of a God.
… There was no fair sharing then, not even now!
Therefore, people, from now on keep the honor to yourself and from now on stop carrying, transferring, and continuing the curse of religion in your ranks traditionally imposed on you by your immediate environment.
Dear fellow people, open your eyes and come to yourself. No one needs a God or God’s Book to survive and to be happy during his one-off life.
Let the harsh Scriptural traditions and constitution, rules and laws of the government / malicious ancestors based on Religion books be nipped in their own fat, so that people are no longer influenced by the inhumane guideline in being human towards one another.
People need to help each other and make the selfishness that is part of religion a thing of the past. Everyone, whether religious or not, has the right to equality and this is currently hard to find in the Netherlands and the rest of the world.
People who have become wealthy through the legacy of their ancestors such as the Dutch royal family, British royal family, Bruneian royal family, the Saudis and many others, have in fact not properly earned their wealth.
Their offspring, however, today is eagerly benefiting from it based on the inherited position.
… This does not mean that they have been blessed by any god, but that they have largely achieved their success through complicity in the oppression of peers and owe their wealth to the theft of natural resources which is by no means a great accomplishment, but only contempt for humanity and exploitation of nature and its products in general.
The current generation of the rich on earth has simply followed in the footsteps of its violent and villainous ancestors who have legalized their previously committed crimes for their offspring in so-called democratic laws and rules.
… I wish that people of this kind, as mentioned above, still reflect and put a part of their acquired achievements in favor to the disadvantaged who have little or nothing in society globally but are forced by egoistic religious society worldwide to live a poor life and a miserable life on this earth.
… Feel free to look into the world around you and dare to claim that this is not true. He who denies the truth clearly does not belong among the living, because the earth is not his/ her home.
The Vishnuh-Society is committed to helping the descendants of the formerly oppressed peoples regain their self-esteem and restore the two ancient diseases called “Colonial Imperialism” and “Religious Imperialism” by telling the story of their ancestors because their ancestors can no longer do that.
… And if there might be some among you who feel disillusioned and insulted by my / our world message. Let me reassure you, those feelings are out of place. The Vishnuh-Society respects every sincere person as long as they respect those who think differently.
The Vishnuh-Society has set itself the goal of making life easier for everyone. So it is not at all in my / our intention to hurt someone unfounded or to talk to them about feeling guilty.
But you will probably wonder why it is necessary to revive all those painful events from the past.
What happened has happened. Surely one should not be ashamed of the atrocities committed by previous generations. Can’t we just forget about it and just look ahead, or pray and trust that everything will ever be alright? … No….
… Many of today’s social problems have arisen from the mistakes made by false ancestors. By studying the past it will be possible to better understand the history of the problems in society. This historical awareness will enable everyone to manage those problems and to look more specifically for solutions.
… One can, for example, prevent people from repeating themselves and giving negative and destructive ideas from the past a positive turn and converting them into constructive plans.
… One should not wait but work for a more pleasant and just society, preferably in this life and on this planet in order to make everyone’s life more pleasant.
To begin with, in order to achieve world peace, worldwide religious education must be prohibited in all schools.
This is because at a young age young people are heavily burdened with strange and incomprehensible differences.
They only become aggressive in religion. In this way, they learn to discriminate and distinguish between races and peoples, while everyone (religious or otherwise) is the same and originated from a natural source.
Look here at the passing world history and study the conduct and mindset of the many hundreds of well-educated God-related leaders and religiously shoddy statesmen worldwide who have responded to almost everything with slaughter and genocide.
… They have filled in all answers and in all ranks with death and destruction or through manipulation of the population, on the basis of greed, selfishness, arrogance, and lust for power, without paying attention to the well-intended commandments of their God, except as the Biblical laws and rules are to their advantage and fit into their street.
Exceptions to this were the differently thought-related world leaders, including Hitler and Mao, who were driven by the religious injustice and other social misconceptions of the time to take advantage of their opportunity and to profile themselves as statesmen.
… But once in the intended position, they, unfortunately, turned their hatred against any form of religion into racism and ordered complete destruction against innocent religious and dissenting people, and finally proceeded to impoverish their own people, which should never have been the intention.
… And look at the present day in which some Islamic government leaders, on the basis of their belief in religion, invent all sorts of idiotic rules to consolidate their religion by introducing homophobia or homosexual prohibition in their country which also has years of imprisonment. In addition, they create Sharia planes, label their country as Sharia land, promote pro-Islamic apartheid systems and also promote Christian hatred and xenophobia in their country.
All the degrading rules and laws that are directed against dissenting fellow human beings have the devout leaders all devised themselves for their dear Allah / God to make them appear at all costs as if their God did exist.
This, while those involved have invented their insane inhuman rules and laws out of pure guilt, usually to make good all the atrocities their ancestors have done against peers in the past and also for everything their self-conceived God/ Allah has forbidden them.
… This, while in reality and according to world history, the Islamic faith did not originally come from the ancestors of those involved. Because Islam is an excerpt from the Old Testament, which largely incorporates the New Testament into the Koran.
In addition, Islam so fervently professed by this people must be held responsible for the slaughter of its ancestors who, at the time, had no chance of defending themselves because of the surprise of the Muslims.
… And their offspring today practice ancestral high treason because they run away with Islam as their ancestral and cultural heritage, while Islam is primarily responsible for the slaughter on its ancestors.
… Also, the stakeholders of these people who consciously consolidate this ancestral high treason in Islam and propagate it to the ignorant population, the ancestral curse of damnation rests in their one-off existence.
The general fact is that Islam is only an extreme spin-off from Christianity. In the Quran, Abraham is called Ibrahim, Mary is Maryam, Moses is Moesa, Jesus is Isa, and so on.
… The stories in the Torah, the holy book of the Jews, come from former indigenous peoples and existing religions.
And the Bible had its origins in Judaism, which is a distorted summary of the Torah followed by the Koran.
So the Torah came first, then the Bible followed and a century later the Koran reared its head.
In other words, Islam rose after the Bible much later, after the Arabs had taken at least a century, along with their writers and scribes to dress the sacred scripture (the Bible) of the Germans according to their own ideas.
And the Arabs simply left out what did not fit in with their way of thinking at the time.
… Moreover, the Arabs have sucked a lot of themselves out of their thumb and recorded it in their composed divine scripture, which has since been called the “Quran.”
The word of God / Allah / YHWH, therefore, includes the fantasy and the bullshit of the religious founders.
Praise the Lord Hallelujah??? .. NO, but far from that!!!
In all quasi-sacred books, as coming from earlier civilizations, there is a lot of general wisdom that is completely overrun with all the written nonsense by the fools who can also speak and write wise words.
The so-called holy books written by human hands, even though people are inspired by God / Allah by letting them note everything he /she/it whispers, cannot be accepted as holy because people make mistakes.
And a holy book is only holy and perfect when God / Allah writes it himself, and as far as I know, it hasn’t happened (yet).
Instead of aiming at human love, togetherness, world peace and equal rights for everything that lives on mother earth, the devout religious heads of state commit thefts of natural resources on a daily basis to enrich themselves and their comparators, while at the same time relentlessly pushing their subjects into the shit then what they were already in.
In general, religious leaders think they are a better person than their fellow human beings in their conceit, while the ultimate wickedness drips from them because they have the courage to record injustice and human rights violations in self-invented insane laws and idiotic rules toward humanity in general.
Isn’t this childishly ridiculous?
The past world history and the recent facts of this time have clearly demonstrated that good religious education is not good in any way.
… Furthermore, religion is not a condition for anyone to be able to live in peace with fellow human beings, but the awareness of love for each other and equality for all mean peace, togetherness, and love for everyone.
But as the present looks like where believers discriminate against each other and are nowhere safe for each other, unity is a lost cause in advance, because they are all swamped with malice and selfishness.
This means, among other things, that believing humanity does not deserve its stay on mother earth.
That is why I greet these kind of believers on behalf of the Vishnuh-Society… Bon voyage et long retour (Go and never come back) bye-bye, and please disappear today to your god/ Allah/ JHWH. Amen.
The hazy religious terms such as;
– “every living creature appears after his death to the supreme court”,
– “The final judgment is only to the almighty creator”,
– “God’s mill turns slowly but surely”,
– “Each person will be held accountable in the hereafter/ Walhalla for his sins”, etc. … are all bullshit theories or the insane statements and imitation of mindless people who act only as a “pass-through hatch” of the already established religions.
God does not exist, the Devil, Heaven, Nirvana, Valhalla, and Hel either.
… Everyone will go the way of all flesh; everything is built up from the dust and everything returns to dust.
Even the greatest pious, the kind-hearted believers and unbelievers, the wicked and cruel, the innocent and peace-loving people, some of whom have suffered badly through the ages before they died, was that also God’s will?
Not at all … but each one dies one day, one earlier and another late, painful, or painless, and it doesn’t matter what one has done for past years before dying.
Thus says the doctrine of Vishnuh:
“It is better by noble boldness to run the risk and undergo half of all evil, rather than continuing cowardly and lethargic for fear of what will happen.”
Only Nature is Incorruptible
Remember children of men;
… There is a lot written in the Bible and in the Koran, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Torah and furthermore in other religious books, but nowhere is there the text “Do not believe everything you read.”
Nobody should feel guilty or addressed by my natural compilation, because all this comes from my heart. One can jump high or low, but anyone who is annoyed by the saying “whoever fits the shoe, put it on” should go out of self-esteem with quick speed to God/ Allah because with him/ her you belong and there you must go and live forever.
This earth is not a place for people who have no love of humanity towards their fellow human beings and the all-embracing nature that is the source of life and that contains its origins.
Man don’t let yourself be led to the religious slaughter block.
Nature has remained pure since time immemorial and until now. And God, so “bad religious humanity” still exists today.
This has united into regular so-called humanitarian bodies that are desperately making new confused attempts at the global level to disguise themselves with third parties under the disguise of helpfulness and human love in order to convince innocent people of their religious madness so that they remain stupid and blinded.
Since its inception, religious stories have only brought disaster to life and are synonymous with injustice, hypocrisy, cruelty, madness, misanthropy, hatred of women, and hatred of everything that goes for the natural sense of justice.
Through the ages, the followers of religious predecessors of the non-existent God/ Allah have, in their delusion of self-recognition in the society to which they belong, stole all religious concepts from others and made up part of them.
… They did this not only to justify the injustice and evil they commit against fellow human beings but mainly on the basis of a small contribution called “non-profit”, to continue to deviously earn from their victims and fellow men.
It is not difficult to grow billions of blood money by distributing the loot with so-called charities and at the same time doing harm in a religiously tinted philanthropic jacket to win new souls that continue to grow misery, such as interest on interest.
A fox will lose his hair but never his pranks!
The purpose of nature is to make this single life on this planet for everyone enjoyable. Everyone must do well in its capacity for his fellow man, whether believers or not, without distinction of race, rank, status, national origin, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, etc.
Who actually does well without harboring ulterior motives, reap gratitude and love as his part, the two great values of life.
This is Nature’s intention “live and let live.” One should not ruin each other life but to make the best of it for everyone.
This should continue until the time for the living creature on earth ends and is the body’s going the way of all the flesh and the spirit again dissolves into the immaterial matter of nature which they found their genesis…
… There is no God who adjudicated everything, and there is no Heaven, Valhalla, Nirvana or Hell, or a religious code that could make accessible all this because spirit and matter are impermanent; Dust thou art and to dust all return back.
It is no different, however much some would like to see this very differently.
Therefore, people, be happy by staying with reality and living in reality, live now and do something good back to continue the life cycles of nature in all its natural life forms.
Be good to nature, to your fellow human beings and in all reasonableness and fairness to all other forms of life and furthermore to everything that nature/ the universe has produced so far and will produce forever.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys,
The Vishnuh-Society is an age-old organ of non-religious citizens of the world, which, from its humanitarian point of view and ancestral empiricism, wants to help fellow people to get through life healthily and well according to its age-old education system.
In addition, the Vishnuh-Society wishes everyone the best who loves this earthly nature and chooses the earth as their place of residence instead of Heaven / Valhalla / Nirvana or Hell.
.. But anyone who believes in “up there” is also eligible for a place in heaven / Valhalla / Nirvana or Hell, preferably today instead of tomorrow.
So the Vishnuh-Society wishes the best for believers and unbelievers.
In order to realize its goal of better service to fellow human beings, the Vishnuh-Society has appealed to world humanity, regardless of rank, status, origin, religious or political affiliation.
The Vishnuh-Society prefers to ask its fellow men for a favor, rather than to go along with its clan and followers for its conviction to kill and rob fellow men of property and good and to commit all kinds of atrocities towards them, such as Christianity, Islam and other religions have done for centuries on behalf of God / Allah / YHWH in order to be materially better off making these religions today the position of being rich and powerful through the backs of fellow human beings and on blood money of the world population …
We are Vishnuïsts and have learned to respect life. We thus have no harm in mind with regard to fellow natives.
The Vishnuh-Society is humane towards everything that lives and is incapable of molesting or oppressing fellow human beings in order to collect money and goods in order to be able to professionalize and print its ancestral books, hire painters, draftsmen, and other relevant professionals and purchase buildings such as the world religions have done for centuries and worldwide…
… Just look at the Vatican and other world religions for what they do with the blood money that they have robbed together for centuries and through the exploitation of the oppressed nations. They still do this now through all kinds of devious areas and dubious charity projects and thus manage to knock money out of the pocket of their gullible victims.
In this way, the existing religions have strengthened their chances of survival and consolidated their invented religion.
The Vishnuh-Society has never in the past been concerned with material things or to increase its wealth, and it cannot spend what it does not have.
Life is giving and take and nobody is an island. The Vishnuh-Society also needs help from fellow human beings, but not from God (s), because gods do not exist but were once conceived by conceited people as a place of refuge to justify their wrongdoing and to talk properly …
Therefore, on behalf of its members, the Vishnuh-Society also makes a request to world mankind, which may seem unusual. And her greatest wish is to make herself heard all over the world and that all activities of the Vishnuh-Society have a worldwide following for the benefit of every living being.
… The Vishnuh-Society is not only looking for a philanthropist who has anything left for her so that she can support her world project financially, but the Vishnuh-Society is also looking for earthlings.
We are all earthlings and life is also assigned to everyone.
Every person should live according to the natural norms, as they were laid down in Scripture by the Vishnuh-Society in times long gone.
Everyone can believe in any religion, and they can keep whatever they want as they please, but remember that earthlings are people;
1 – giving others a life;
2 – who are honest with themselves and especially with his fellow people;
3 – who keep far away from religious and colonialist behavior;
4 – who keep away from arrogance, conceit, and discrimination, because no one is more or less than another;
5 – who keep away from greed and selfishness;
6 – who has a sense of responsibility for his fellow-men, because everyone is equal;
7 – who respect Nature and Life, because Nature is the origin of life;
8 – who are loyal, faithful, and steadfast in spirit;
9 – who have no distinction in race, rank, status, origin, sexual orientation, religious (also read political) belief, because everyone has the right to equal treatment, everyone has the right to life and self-determination.
The nine (9) properties listed above are the characteristics of true Earthlings. And for those who adhere to this, the Vishnuh-Society is their best companion and refuge.
Thus says the doctrine of Vishnuh:
“Who does not want to hear our story should just buttoning his ears. And who does not want to know the truth should not read our essays and books. And if the shoe fits, wear it!”
In compliance with all nine provisions, as an unbeliever, I would like to enter any church, mosque, synagogue, or any other place of worship, and laugh as loudly and sing as loudly as those present at the home of those concerned, but because of religion has the purpose of suppressing people and keeping them stupid, I will turn against that.
On the other hand, I would simply adapt to their worship of their God, because then it would be great fun because of the knowledge that one does not necessarily have to be religious nor Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Muslims to be able to enjoy and musing with other people.
… The Vishnuh-Society is hard but fair to everyone. She says what needs to be said instead of showing hypocrisy to other people.
… The Vishnuh-Society aims to achieve its goals for the benefit of its oppressed fellow human beings.
Every living being has the right to a better and happy life on this earth.
… Whoever thinks that they can help the Vishnuh-Society in any way to achieve its objectives, then you are most welcome with us.
… The Vishnuh-Society hereby warmly thanks everyone who has read this piece for their attention and wishes everyone a loving and healthy life.

Accompanying note of the Gurubesar: Lancar Ida-Bagus
… “As a mortal, I cannot bless another living being as a thanksgiving, only Nature is able to do so, but my gratitude to you is great for your kindness, positive contribution, understanding, and donation to the Vishnuh-Society, and comes directly from my heart.
… Every contribution is welcome.“